Brewery Brewiks 200 Liter

Brewiks 200 Liter Microbrewery

250 Liter Volume
14 kW heating capacity
75 kg max. malt
Original wort >18°P

The "Brewiks 200" is the 2 HL version of the Brewiks family. It has a 250-liter brew kettle and a 350-liter lauter tun.

It is electrically heated with 14 kW heating power, which is located in both the walls and the bottom of the wort kettle. With a brewhouse efficiency of up to 74% (OBE 92%), even worts with >18° Plato can be brewed without any problems.

General Operation

The brewhouse is a classic 2-vessel brewing system, consisting of a mash tun / wort kettle combination and a lauter tun / whirlpool vessel. The mash tun contains a highly efficient pump that mixes the wort and can be transported back and forth between the vessels using hoses.

Brewing control is done through a large 7-inch touch interface with recipe management, automatic mashing program, timer function, and manual operating mode.

The built-in plate heat exchanger for sparge preparation allows direct heating of tap water and gentle spraying into the lauter tun lid using nozzles. An additional hot water tank is therefore unnecessary.

The built-in tube heat exchanger for wort cooling is "hidden" in the insulated double wall of the brew kettle. This highly efficient and low-maintenance heat exchanger can cool the hot wort from 96 °C to around 18 °C in just under 40 minutes using water from tap. The resulting cooling water can be collected directly in the mash tun and reused for the next brew, saving time and energy.


Brewiks 200 mash and lauter tun (front view)
Brewiks 200 mash and lauter tun (top view)
Original gravity
max. malt amount
cold wort output

Functions in Detail

Technical Specifications

Brewiks 2 HL Brewhouse
Max. pan-full before cooking: 250 Liters
Weight mash tun: 250 kg
Dimensions mash tun (L x W x H): 1m x 1,5m x 1,2m
Capacity mash tun: 290 Liters
Maximum amount of malt: 75 kg
Heating power: 14 kW
Weight lauter tun: 50 kg
Dimensions lauter tun (L x W x H): 1m x 1m x 0,7m
Capacity lauter tun: 350 Liter
Electrical connection: CEE 5p. IP67 - 32 A
Material: EN 1.4301
Volume: 65 db
Original wort: >18°P
Brewhouse yield/efficiency: 74% / 92%

Interested in the Brewiks 200 microbrewery? Then contact us for an initial consultation or request a non-binding offer directly.

Success stories with "Brewiks 200"

Mountain hut LAVARELLA
Europe's highest brewery at 2050 meters in the Dolomites. Beers with an alpine touch are brewed on a "Brewiks 200 liter" system.