Brewiks Innovations

At Brewiks, innovation is at the center of our philosophy. Our goal is to equip breweries with state-of-the-art technology to make beer production more efficient, sustainable, and of higher quality. Discover our innovative solutions that set Brewiks apart from other brewing systems.

Patented Mashing System

Our Brewiks Microbrewery uses a unique, patented mashing system that does not use conventional stirring techniques. Instead, we rely on an innovative pumping method where the mash circulates gently in a loop. A special mixing arm in the middle of the mash tun directs the mash back into the tun, causing it to rotate. This continuous rotation ensures even mixing and optimal temperature distribution, which in turn ensures efficient saccharification.

Sustainability and Efficiency

Sustainability is a core principle at Brewiks. Our system enables the reuse of cooling water from wort cooling. The collected water can be used directly for the next brew or kept in the insulated mash tun until the next morning, losing only a few degrees in temperature. This practice not only saves water but also improves energy efficiency.

Furthermore, we offer the option to operate our systems not electrically, but through an external heating system. With Brewiks 300 and 500, alternative heating methods such as wood, gas or solar combined with an energy storage tank can be used. This flexibility supports sustainable energy generation and reduces the ecological footprint.

Customer Benefits through Innovation

Brewiks' innovative technology offers direct benefits to our customers. The efficient pumping method and the reuse of cooling water lead to higher production efficiency and lower operating costs. Customers like "Königsbrunner Biermanufaktur" and "Matt & Elly Brewery Kitchen" benefit from the consistent quality and environmentally friendly solutions that Brewiks offers.

Conclusion and Outlook

The innovative solutions from Brewiks revolutionize beer production and set new standards in terms of efficiency, sustainability, and quality. We remain committed to improving our technologies and developing new solutions to meet the needs of our customers and shape the future of brewing.